We just got our first letters and pictures from Jantzen. It sounds like he is getting stretched a lot. He has a tarp, a rope, some sticks for a tent. They carved their own utensils out of wood, and he is learning to create a fire by rubbing sticks together. The counselors said it has snowed and rained a lot this past week. A change in warmer weather this week will be welcome. He'll get two new boys joining him this week. After a whole week alone with his thoughts, this will be welcome. He is still not real comfortable being there and is begging to come home, but they tell us this is normal. He'll probably need a few more weeks before he'll realize he needs to settle in and start working the process.
We are looking into next steps for him. Have any of you ever heard of the Hyde School? Would love input if any of you have heard of this school.
Kevin is still healing from his long bout with pneumonia. We are hoping he's healed enough to still go on Trek in two weeks so we can be a "Ma and Pa". If not, I'll get assigned a new "Pa". I guess it's like reverse polygamy. I may have two husbands. The one who is too sick to go, and the new guy that adopts me. If there is one upside to sickness, it's that Kev has lost 15 pounds. He assures me it's a terrible weight loss plan.
Counting the days until Kevin and I get to go spend a week alone together over the
4th of July. The Plan? Hike until our legs fall off and fish until the lakes are empty.
Hyde School is a behavior modification facility masquerading as a prep school. The academics are uneven, at times shoddy. About 50% of the grade is based on your child's "attitude." Translation: does Hyde School like him? You may run into problems transferring credits if it doesn't work out for your son there. Some other school districts don't think Hyde School's academics are up to snuff. For that matter, Hyde School may not like it that you are transferring your son, and may delay your access to his transcript for a half year or more, according to some reports.
The "character development" aspect might sound appealing on their website, but in reality, this school was founded by people seeking to address their own character flaws by cramming a regimen of their own "philosophy" down the throats of other people's kids, and making a nice living in the process. They could not care less about your kid once the tuition flow stops.
They do not employ professionals experienced in dealing with the psychological issues of troubled teens, just Hyde School insiders, many of whom are former Hyde School students. You might want to ask them how many times they've been sued for inappropriate contact between faculty/staff and students.
Your family will be required to participate in "the process," which entails (monthly?) local seminars with other Hyde School families and 2-3 Family Weekends at the school. You will be strongly pressured to expose your deepest, darkest family secrets and personal issues/trauma which will be discussed amongst the rest of the community. If you do not, you will be deemed an inhibitory influence on your son's progress and his standing in the school may suffer.
How did you hear abut them?
-concerned reader
I heard about them through an educational consultant who thought it was a good program.
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