Thanksgiving this year consisted of 3 particularly special blessings: The long awaited arrival of Jantzen after many months apart, a new little one from Gabe and Kristen--baby Elli, and Aubrey fresh off the European tour with Blake and the band (their band is called Taught Me).
It reminded me that family trumps everything! They are the greatest gift and they are what makes special days so special.
We stuffed ourselves with the traditional fare, then played games and visited late into the evening. Grandma Lind made our 4th special guest...who would have known she would be with us this year after a coma and life support? The day after Thanksgiving we moved her from the assisted living back into her own home. She is my hero. Meanwhile, Kevin took the younger two girls to Logan to be with Grandma and Grandpa White's house for graham cracker (gingerbread) house making, all the mashed potatoes you could eat, and Football games galore. A bit untraditional this year to be apart, but it was perfect in it's own way for each of the kids.
To top it off, I made 3 homemade pies--Coconut Cream, Banana Cream, and Cherry. AND THEY ALL WORKED! Watch out, Paul Deen. I'm on your tail, baby.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!