Kayla and Whitney have been playing their hearts out this season at Lone Peak. The tennis team is currently undefeated and the girls continue the great winning streak. Whit is playing first singles and Kayla is playing on the J.V. team--much to her dismay. Kayla started out as Varsity and was was winning many of the top Varsity players, but the coach had a senior star return and wanted to give them a chance to play on the team for the senior year and knew Kayla had many years left to be the star. You don't want to go up against one of them in a dark alley--they've got the most toned arms and legs you'd ever want to see. Strong and tan. Ahhh, to be young again. I'm just white and flabby...and pretty happy about it.
Their games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and of course, we always forget the camera. Some great photos were taken last week that we are trying to get our hands on. For now, look at the back row, far right. (Look how tall Kayla is).
On other news fronts, the move has slowed down. No buyers for the home, but we are trying to lease it. You don't think the collapse of our financial markets and economy verging on a depression has anything to do with it? I'm not sure what's better--commuting to Ephraim when gas is $4.00 a gallon, or sucking it up and paying rent in Ephraim. We're probably sixes either way (what does that mean anyway).
Jantzen was in the hospital this past week. A big wood beam fell on his leg and fortunately didn't break his ankle, but sure made it swollen and black and blue. Wouldn't you know it--the first time he's in the hospital his whole life and mom isn't there? Then Zac twisted his ankle and his is swollen up like an orange as well. It's even the same leg. I think he did it so he could have sympathy pains. There are easier ways, Zac.
I'm kicking fanny on my new Fitness Boot Camp. One hour a day of grueling punishment doled out by some evil trainer whose only desire is to make others miserable. But hey, you can't argue with results! The transformation from middle-aged-saggy-baggy to modern mama is in progress. And NO--there will be no before and after pictures shown.
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