Nothing too new or earthshattering. School has started. Me and my two boys are roaming the college campus which brings me a lot of satisfaction. I can't wait to start my art classes so I can proove once and for all that I did in fact inherit some artsy genes. My dog stinks and I can't get her to poop in her own yard. The girls start school tomorrow, on my birthday. Other than than, I'm just glad summer is over! Let the fall football and fall fishing season begin!
I was so prepared. Bought a new camera just for the trip. Charged it. Packed it...and somehow dropped the battery when I put it in the suitcase. So instead of Kevin and Tessa, I've used some other models to represent us in New York. My, don't we look rested!
It was a great trip. We've finally started to figure out the places, restaurants, hotels, and streets we like. We started the trip by seeing Next to Normal, a musical about a family with a bi-polar mom. Felt right at home. Then we spent a day in Central Park going to a Cuban concert and watching an outdoor documentary called "I am Cuba". We felt at one with our Latino friends. The next day we went to the Museum of Modern Art where we quickly realized I could have a real shot as a famous modern artist. Thursday we headed by subway to the new Yankees Stadium where we saw a Red Sox/Yankee's game that got blown to bits in the 4th inning with 8 runs by Yankees. This is where I got my education on the true cost of being a pro baseball fan. The bleachers tickets may only cost $25.00, but a hot dog, some lemonade and peanuts will run you $21.00. It seemed ironic they received some National award for best run service and catering that night. We also learned that a family of four can go through 15 bottles of beer for $150.00 in 2 hours, 20 minutes. You know what they say: a family that drinks together, stays together. And that same family thinks they are a group of stand-up comedians at about the 7th inning.
We learned our best food was on the smallest plates. When we realized we were at a "fine cuisine" restaurant and our plates came out with approximately 1.5 bites of food on them for $50.00, we ate VERYYYYY SLOOOOWLLYY. Then we washed it down with a $2.00 slice of cheese pizza on the way back to the hotel.
Soho and NYU rocked. We slept through the Good Morning America Jason Mraz concert when we couldn't get out of bed at 5:00 am. But we made up for it by seeing Altar Boyz, a 90 minute Christian boyband concert comedy that had us in stitches. The band members were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Juan..and a Jewish add-on named Abraham.
We loved the trip. The best ever. Wish you could have been there.